At a first glance, I was really excited about this place, but negatives kept adding up. We had a very loud baby right next to us that cried all night (not the hotel's fault), but they didn't have ear plugs. They instead offered to move us rooms when one became available (2 nights later), so 2 nights not sleeping at the hotel we paid for out of 4 nights. Our new room had a very unfortunate balcony and room layout. If people wanted to stand and look at the jungle, they were also looking into our balcony/room. During our morning coffee on the balcony, we had a couple stop on the public walkway and comment about things in our room. Complete lack of privacy for anyone unfortunate enough to get that room. Next, we went hiking to the Lagoon and I got dirt on my legs and hands, so after I showered, there was a slight bit of residue on the hand towel as well as a smudge of mascara, of which I was charged for- so don't plan on using the towels for anything other than a pre-cleaned body - or bring your own. The private transfer we paid for (1700 baht) was significantly more expensive than getting it anywhere else, but got us to the airport in the end. We were with another couple but they refused to let us share the transfer. The whole way to the airport we followed our friends, wasiting fuel with multiple boats, tuk tuks and transfer vans that were completely unnecessary. The tuk tuk from the boat to the transfer van also couldn't fit our luggage and us so we had to walk to the vans.