I made two reservations one for myself for two nights, and the other for a person that I was transporting for surgery. When I got there, the hotel only had reservations for the surgical patient. My were not found even though I had paid for both. It took over an hour just to get me in. Hotels.com is to blame for this. The lack if phone numbers on mailings also contributed to not being able to resolve this quickly. I will never use hotels.com ever again!
The hotel is a dump. No amenities beyond on bar of siao, no hair dryers, no shampoo, no kleenex. No lamps just overheard spot lights, crappy conference room chairs. Outside door lock sensors that do notvwork.
At 9:30 at night, someone on staff was useing a vacuum cleaner in the hallways when people are trying to sleep. Then between 11:27 PM and 1230 AM the fire alarms kept going in and off … NO EXPLANATION. Instead of a restful night before surgery, neither one of us slept the whole night.