The two persons (Sergio and Marco) who are running “As Nancy” B&B are very nice and respectful guys. If there is a scale between B&B (10) and Hostel (1) accommodation, As Nancy would rate 2 or 3. The material that came with the reservation said the facilities Free breakfast: you get coffee or tea, two squares toasted bread, one table spoon of jam and 10 gr butter. Private bathroom, shower, free toiletries, and a bidet: you share 1.5mx1.5m (5x5feet) bathroom no bidet for up to 9 people in three rooms. 1 Double Bed or 2 Twin Beds Sleep: you get 70 cm (2.5 feet) wide bed (not the standard 90 cm (3 feet) American twin bed size), one small slim pillow and two covers, if you are overweight or have a large body turning over from one side to the other is not advisable you might find yourself on the floor. Blackout drapes/curtains: barely. Linens Bathroom: Expect to use them as long as you stay (a week in our case) and Free WiFi: this one is OK. Your welcome package includes a small soap bar per person and two shampoo envelops (never replenished), no daily cleaning, laundry service, trash collection or bath cleaning. The location is a bit far from downtown action. There are no restaurants in the area (a mix level of income middle class area), but there is a very good bakery a block away.