Prada Outlet Store Hong Kong offers discounts on handbags, clutch purses, and accessories of this upmarket brand. Many are about 50% cheaper than original prices, though this varies by item and season. It also stocks items by sister-brand Miu Miu. Many people start queuing in the early morning in hopes of getting the first choice of the newest stocks.
Prada Outlet Store Hong Kong - one of the highlights of 4 Best Outlet Stores in Hong Kong and 4 Best Places to Go Shopping on Hong Kong Island (Read all about Hong Kong here)

Foto de Wpcpey (CC BY-SA 4.0) modificada
Prices for items such as belts and purses typically start from HK$2,000, while tote bags start from around HK$6,000 (less than half of what it costs in flagship Prada stores within Central and Kowloon). Items with minor defects are even cheaper and come with a certificate of authenticity.
The best way to get better deals at the Prada Outlet Store is by buying off-season fashion items - buy winter overcoat in the summer and beach accessories towards the New Year. Look for the Sales racks towards the back of the shop for bargains of up to 80%.
Prada Outlet Store Hong Kong occupies the Marina Square East building in Aberdeen, about 8 km south of Central Hong Kong. You can take a taxi for around HK$200, or take bus 590 from Exchange Square Bus Station in Central. Get off at Marina Square on South Horizons Drive, and the store is within a 5-minute walk away.
Prada Outlet Store Hong Kong
Ubicación: 18A, South Horizon Drive, Ap Lei Chau, Hong Kong
Horarios: Monday from 12pm to 7pm, Tuesday–Sunday from 10.30am to 7.30pm
Teléfono: +852 2814 9576