“A Pre-Cruise Adventure (of Questionable Safety and Hygiene)”
At first glance, this hotel looks… okay. Not great, but passable. Then you step inside, and that’s when the journey begins. The first thing you notice is that one of the lobby doors is broken—Red Flag #1. The second thing you notice is the smell. It’s hard to describe, but it lingers. Like stale air, old carpet, and regret. Behind the check-in desk sits a silent clerk, encased in thick plexiglass. He does not greet us. He does not acknowledge our presence. Red Flag #2.
The lobby boasts massive stained-glass windows, which feel wildly out of place in this 2-star (extremely generous) establishment. The floor has seen unspeakable things—possibly a crime scene, possibly just decades of neglect. The walls are mysteriously full of holes, because apparently, drywall is optional. Red Flag #6.
Then there’s the elevator. An old, rattling contraption that screams (literally) with every floor. It feels like it’s either going to snap and plummet, or ascend to an alternate dimension. Red Flag #11.
The hallway upstairs greets you with the aroma of stale smoke and dead cats. A window stands open and refuses to close—Red Flag #27—because who needs security? The door to our room is covered in deep scratches, and the room itself smells, has holes in the walls and the sink leaks. We had a security issue at 4am and received no help. This place is unsafe for female travellers. Do not recommend.